During the painting process, the most common jerry-building and cutting activities are actually these!

Introduction Due to the large number of brush painting processes and the relatively long period of time, some bad decoration teams do construction and are prone to jerry-building. Let us take stock of today's work. What are the most common ways of cutting corners in the paint process and give the owners a wake-up call?

01 Base putty is not flattened
Grass-roots processing is a necessary process for wall decoration. The most frequently used cases of cutting corners and cutting materials at the grassroots level are that some construction teams need to save time and workload. Without the smoothness of the wall surface treatment, rushing to do the follow-up process. When brushing putty, no tools were used to ensure smoothing.

After the putty and primer are dry, they are usually polished with fine sandpaper to reduce the brush marks on the walls and make the walls more smooth. However, in order to save time, some construction workers often use sandpaper to wipe off the scratches, and some even do not have this process at all. 02 to save the grinding process

03 Reducing the number of painting passes The number of paintings on a typical wall is “one end and two sides”, that is, the primer is applied again and the paint is applied twice. Bad decoration companies often do not use primer or brush only once to finish the construction. Because the effect is not so different, if the owners do not stare, it will be difficult to find the problem in a short time.
Prior to painting, it is often necessary to calculate the approximate amount of paint to be used according to the area to be brushed to purchase ahead of schedule. Some unscrupulous construction workers may resort to adding too much water when deploying paints. After brushing them all over again, they will save a lot of original paint and may later fall into the hands of workers. However, the brush is too much water, deployment of thin paint, wall paint film is too thin, it is easy to be scratched, moldy and so on. 04 coating too much water

05 One of the most serious types of counterfeiting and reducing materials used to replace paints is to replace the quality brand paints purchased by the owners with inferior counterfeit and shoddy products through various methods. If the owner does not know what to do and if he carelessly points it, it will be difficult to find the problem. Reminder: In addition to the above-mentioned jerry-building and cutting-off practices, there are many other non-standard actions in the painting process. Therefore, Xiao Bian suggested that the owner should be able to supervise the site or apply for professional construction supervision when painting.

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