How to buy a qualified and comfortable switch socket?

Renovation can never underestimate the switch socket accessories, Xiao Bian found that many owners pay more attention to the decoration of the large, for the small accessories such as the switch socket will be free to feel that it can be used on the line, not necessary to spend too much on it In fact, this is a very wrong idea. Don't look at these small accessories. In fact, it plays a very large role. If it is too bad, it will cause a great deal of inconvenience to your life. How to choose a good switch?

First, what is a good switch socket? It is even better if the following criteria are met

1, quality

Switch sockets are used to deal with electricity, so it has a lot to do with the safety of the electricity environment. If you buy a switch socket with poor quality, it can easily cause electric shock and fire. Look at the quality of the switch socket, first of all look at the appearance, the appearance should be smooth, the material should be uniform. Look at what kind of material you use, whether you use advanced plastics. The switch socket with good quality is usually made of pc, because this kind of material has a certain degree of flame retardancy, insulation and impact resistance, and it is timeless, and it is not easy to change the color.

2, life

Good quality does not mean long service life, so in addition to quality, it depends on its frequency of use. There are certain standards for the frequency of use of the switch sockets in the country. The national standard is 40,000 times. Some brands just meet the national standards. Some brands exceed the national standards. The number of switch sockets used by the bull can reach 80,000, which is the national standard. Times. In other words, the same quality of the switch socket, the service life is different. So, look at the frequency of use before buying.

3, style

Nowadays, home decoration is about high-end, atmosphere, and quality. Therefore, the style of the switch socket cannot be too old, otherwise it is not commensurate with the new style of home decoration. A good switch socket can also take care of the style update to ensure that it can keep up with the pace of the times and not be eliminated. The decorative switch like the Bulls has a variety of colors and patterns. , Can be used with different styles of home improvement, is a good choice.

4, price

Which kind of switch socket is better under the condition of equal quality, service life and style? Certainly it is cost-effective, and some people always think that expensive is good, and this concept of consumption is wrong. High-quality products are not uncommon, so buy them and buy them at a reasonable price. When quality, service life, and style are equivalent, prices can be taken into consideration.

5, function

Many switch sockets now feature upgrades such as lightning protection and protection against electric shock. Children's electric shock accidents occur from time to time. In response to this phenomenon, the Bulls designed a child-proof electric shock socket. The latest switch sockets are made of highly flame-retardant materials. These functions can improve the safety of the electricity environment.

Switch socket switch socket purchase

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